A party so big, it had to be split in TWO!
The Great Big Brunel Hall Christmas Shindig – Part 1: A Classic Christmas
Classic? What do I mean by “classic”?
Picture it, its snowing outside, freezing cold night, your sitting next to a log fire in your favourite armchair and the wistfull and slightly drunk tones of Dean Martin pops out over the radio singing “Let It Snow!”.
Part 1 of the party features the “classic” christmas tunes from the days of the Rat Pack going into the days of early Rock ‘n Roll.
Part one has an earlier time for the folks in the UK and Europe, Part 2 is timed for the folks in the US…
DJ: Victor1st Mornington
Place: Brunel Hall – The Bar Lounge
Time: 3pm SLT till 5pm SLT
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