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The Grand Opening Performance of the Bombastophone

After roughly six weeks of construction, partial demolition, reconstruction, bewildered reprioritising and sundry delays, Team PFV is proud to throw open the doors for a formal opening performance.

The operator of the machine, Ms. Precipitate Flood, has settled upon a programme of four hour-long sets, demonstrating her primary foci of musical genres as well as the dynamic range of the Bombastophone.

The performance will last approximately four hours and consist of the following:

 8:00pm Selection of Classical and Lounge works;
 9:00pm World (i.e. Ethnic) music and psychedelia;
10:00pm Disco and Funk music;
11:00pm Goa and Psytrance and assorted forms of Modern Dancing music until Midnight, or Longer should public acclaim demand it.

Patrons are requested to refrain from throwing detritus into the speaking trumpets of the machine, as the emission of compressed air can propel small items from them to potentially harmful effect.

The mushrooms adorning the interior surfaces are of dubious nutritional value and ingestion is discouraged for those patrons who are alive.

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