that would be good! there’s been enough ghost sightings in town.
Kristos Sonnerstein
September 8, 2012
It would be nice if it were more than just Helio and myself mostly left. And Stormy on the rare occassion. And then there’s Helio having to take care of his wife now and all… Haven’t seen Mr. Sixpence in quite a while either.
Grendel Footman
September 8, 2012
I thought I had joined BORC as well, just had not seen alot of activity int hat group.
unless it was a different babbage occult research group I joined, think there were a couple at one point
Kristos Sonnerstein
September 8, 2012
::chuckles:: You’re not around very much either, usually. Perhaps it’s high time we gather everyone for a meeting and see what we can delve into again.
Wallis Graves
September 9, 2012
A Ghostbusters set up would be fun.
Grendel Footman
September 10, 2012
eh, new job starts in 2 weeks and then I should start seeing my RL stabilize a bit again, leaving me able to get on more often.
a meeting sounds like a good idea.
Kristos Sonnerstein
September 10, 2012
Excellent! Drop me a line when your schedule’s stabilized and we’ll see if we can get the fellow members of BORC together.
M. Canergak
September 7, 2012
I’m afraid the days where I could rush about doing things like this are far behind me. I wish whatever young group begins their journey the best.
LOL, nice. This is what BORC should be doing :D
that would be good! there’s been enough ghost sightings in town.
It would be nice if it were more than just Helio and myself mostly left. And Stormy on the rare occassion. And then there’s Helio having to take care of his wife now and all… Haven’t seen Mr. Sixpence in quite a while either.
I thought I had joined BORC as well, just had not seen alot of activity int hat group.
unless it was a different babbage occult research group I joined, think there were a couple at one point
::chuckles:: You’re not around very much either, usually. Perhaps it’s high time we gather everyone for a meeting and see what we can delve into again.
A Ghostbusters set up would be fun.
eh, new job starts in 2 weeks and then I should start seeing my RL stabilize a bit again, leaving me able to get on more often.
a meeting sounds like a good idea.
Excellent! Drop me a line when your schedule’s stabilized and we’ll see if we can get the fellow members of BORC together.
I’m afraid the days where I could rush about doing things like this are far behind me. I wish whatever young group begins their journey the best.
::smirks:: Hardly young at all, Mr. Canergak.
Steampunk Ghostbuster performance troupe:
They will be at my local Steamcon in October! *bounce*
I’ve been watching their webisodes on youtube