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The end of an era…

The original prim build of Brunel Hall which dates back as one of the
first buildings built on site in Academy of Industry…is gone…


The picture above is of the original “Crumb Hall” which was completed on October 10th, 2009.  It was the first on site build in Academy (the first completed build was Cocoajava, which was moved from Pallisade).  The original building above retained its shape (Muirsheen Durkin bar filled up the entire floor of the original wall halls).

The old hall became legendary and the constant expansion, overhauling and further expansion coined a new phrase….Morningtonizing….

…and it expanded once…




…and when i ran out of land space i expanded upwards….


and then expanded downwards into the new basement bar of Muirsheen Durkin…


However, time moves on.  The hotel was seriously becoming a nightmare to overhaul, meshing just the front wall and the stairs wasnt enough. The mess of the internal structure of the original hall prims was also becomeing more and more apparent and each small change in the layout of the bar side affected countless walls on the back side which was all based on sliced megaprims, because the bulk of the overhauls was before the 64m prim limit came in.

So i decided to bite the bullet.  Brunel Hall is now FULL MESH…


The above picture shows the old prim build above the replacement mesh build.  The new mesh build is an exact replica in size and textures of the old hotel, but its 250 less LI (prims) than the original and is a much cleaner and easier to manage build compared to the original.

There is one single part left of the old hall that dates back to October 10th 2009, the old prim reception desk at the entrance…its the only prim part left of the old building.

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  1. Celestia Blanchard Celestia Blanchard September 5, 2012


    Well done, Mr. Mornington. I imagine that mesh, in conjunction with 64x prims really make for more efficient building these days. That said, either way you slice it, 250 less LI is quite impressive.

  2. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse September 5, 2012

    Does this mean you’ll have to expand again in order to use up those free prims? :-)

  3. Sybil Maryfield Sybil Maryfield September 7, 2012

    The hotel looks magnificent, Mr. Mornington.  I’m proud to call it home!

  4. Ceejay Writer Ceejay Writer September 8, 2012

    A huge undertaking, but well met and done, Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiictor!  

    I suppose this isn’t the best time to tell you that by December mesh will be passe and virtual silly putty will be all the building rage?  You might want to cancel your Christmas plans.


    • Edward Pearse Edward Pearse September 9, 2012

      He has to come up with Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh snowdrifts by then.

    • Garnet Psaltery Garnet Psaltery September 9, 2012

      Hmm, I have heard rumours about Iiiiiicccccccceeeeeeeeee.

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