I’ve just been catching up with the rather amusing Bleak Old Shop of Stuff, which is currently airing on BBC2. The series is appearing on iPlayer, but I notice the pilot is also floating around. *cough* It’s a highly silly Dickensy spoof, but contains much that might appeal to a Babbager in humorous mood.
It really is very silly…but what can I say, it amuses me XD
wait, that isn’t babbage?
Clearly designed by someone with a bit of Babbage in their heart.
I am in love with this.
Oooooh! *Goes off to find non-UK means of watching*
I…are you SURE they’re not filming that in New Babbage? That first photograph….
The Christmas Episode is here:
massive morris and expandable tophats?
can this show possibly get any better?
I like the “END-IT-ALL DOCK” sign in the second from last picture.
This post almost makes me want to start wearing skirts again.
Should we get a Mayorial Locatortron? :-)
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Christmas episode last night on youTube, and the silliness, and Elleon-esque dilemmas. Going to have to watch it again just for the one-liners. Lots of build/story inspiration. Can we make it mandatory viewing?
“Can I help you, rough strange-smelling boy?”