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The 2014 Second Life H.P. Lovecraft Festival

























Open August 18-25, 2014, around HP Lovecraft’s Birthday, our main event site will feature a tribute to the marvelous Lovecraft tale “At the Mountains of Madness”! Gear up and board ship for a journey to the remote continent of Antarctica, and explore the mysteries of the icy lands, Lovecraft-style… an adventure that should prove to be a truly thrilling and chilling experience!

As always, the Lovecraft Festival will host a group of wonderful product vendors and include activities and events to make for a great experience to all who visit!

Our fine charity of choice, Autism National Committee (AutCom) will again be the recipient of our fund raising efforts!

A number of activities and events will occur for sim visitors to enjoy without leaving the vendor/activities area as well. This currently includes the concerts of Nightwish, Apocalyptica and Cradle of Filth, courtesy of Bad Ampitude and Arik Metzger. Also in the works are several stage shows, a scavenger hunt, and other projects.  Schedule will be available at the Festival.

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