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Submit your story to Tales of New Babbage, Volume 1

Greetings Babbagers!

Today I’m announcing the start of a publishing project that has been discussed for some time: a collection of New Babbage short stories to be called Tales of New Babbage, Volume 1.

The idea is this: let’s assemble a collection of New Babbage-related short stories and publish them to the broader world in both paper and digital forms. We’ll self-publish at first, and then possibly involve a traditional publisher. Contributions can come from anyone (resident or otherwise), but must involve the city in some way (setting, character, history, etc.). We can promote it inworld, online, at steampunk events, local bookstores, etc. The plan is to get it out in this Fall so it will be available during the holidays.

Then we do it again next year. Volume Two. :-)

This would be an amazing way to promote the City and see Babbage-related stories in print. I plan to distribute copies to friends and family as holiday presents this year (!).

Anyone is welcome to submit a story (between 600 and 7,500 words). It doesn’t have to be a new one (although they would certainly be welcome). Sheryl Skytower, Vivi Spiritweaver, Saffia Widdershins, and Ceejay Writer have agreed to help review and select the stories that will appear in volume one. The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2011 (so we’ll have enough time to get things ready). If you’re interested, please contact me via email ( for business details.

I can’t WAIT to see what we all come up with – stay inside with the AC this summer and crank out some good readage!

Spread the love


  1. Aeolus Cleanslate Aeolus Cleanslate July 26, 2011

    A quick update: responses have been very encouraging! I can’t wait to see what we come up with!

    I started a project on Kickstarter to help fund our costs: With this project you can PRE-ORDER your copy, or just chip in to help. Larger contributions will get you (or your avatar) a mention on the dedications page, immortalized for the archives.

    Oh, and a great idea came up this weekend that I want to speak with Tenk about when he returns: maybe any proceeds from the work should go to a “Fund for New Babbage” – to be used in case of a rainy day, or to pre-fund growth, an RFL contribution, or other worthwhile City-related projects. That would make things much easier. What do people think?

    • Junie Ginsburg Junie Ginsburg July 28, 2011

      Directing the proceeds toward the good of the city seems like an excellent idea to me, for what it’s worth!


  2. Bianca Namori Bianca Namori July 27, 2011

    Wow congrats! Kickstarter is such a pain to get going I hear! -goes to pledge-

  3. Leia Rossini Leia Rossini July 28, 2011

    Excellent Mr. Cleanslate! And that idea to use it as a fundraiser for RFL sounds like a gem.

    You can count on me to make a pledge shortly! 

  4. Aeolus Cleanslate Aeolus Cleanslate August 7, 2011

    The first submissions are starting to come in folks! They look great. Don’t forget to think about it before the month elapses…

  5. Aeolus Cleanslate Aeolus Cleanslate August 16, 2011

    Just another reminder not to forget your stories for the Tales of New Babbage project. The deadline is just a few weeks away!

  6. Sheryl Skytower Sheryl Skytower August 28, 2011

    *puts paw up*

    There’s still plenty of room for submissions to this fine volume! Immortalize your thoughts and deeds in New Babbage!

    In other words, get writing!


  7. Ceejay Writer Ceejay Writer August 28, 2011

    Yes!  There’s still time to write – there’s always time to write! *smiles and gives out pens all around*

  8. Tepic Harlequin Tepic Harlequin August 28, 2011

    the stories are about New Babbage, right? so things along the same lines as in the blogs?

  9. Aeolus Cleanslate Aeolus Cleanslate September 1, 2011

    Collected blog posts would be an excellent way to assemble a submission, yes. As would resubmissions of older stories or Wiki entries.

  10. Sheryl Skytower Sheryl Skytower September 10, 2011


    Dontz make me write something for this here book!


  11. Aeolus Cleanslate Aeolus Cleanslate November 20, 2011

    Hey good news – we’re finishing up the last of the edits to the manuscript and it looks like the book will be ready for purchase the week after Thanksgiving. Huge thanks to Ceejay and Sheryl and Tenk for their detailed copyedits this weekend!

    I have to say, I LOVE the way this is coming out. Stay tuned…

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