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Remembrance Sunday

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  1. Nathaniel Lorefield Nathaniel Lorefield November 11, 2012

    lovely photo. needs more snow… *nods*

  2. Pilipo Underwood Pilipo Underwood November 11, 2012

    Kurt Vonnegut related this story about the first Armistice Day. In the minutes before the eleventh hour, a cacaphony of artillery and ordinance sounded out, as men tried to be able to claim the last shot fired in the Great War. As a result, when the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month struck, the world was blanketed with complete, and sudden, Silence.

    And a veteran of the event said “It was like hearing the voice of God.”

  3. Garnet Psaltery Garnet Psaltery November 11, 2012

    Well said, Mr. Underwood.

    The Cenotaph will stay in place for a few days.

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