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Recursive Journey

Just a little Saturday sillyness…

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  1. Kimika Ying Kimika Ying January 21, 2012

    Yay for silliness!  Avariel the Traveling Clockwork Unicorn.  Its a children’s book waiting to happen.

  2. Maddox Sinclaire Maddox Sinclaire January 21, 2012

    I could see that as a kids’ book!


  3. Breezy Carver Breezy Carver February 1, 2012

    the entire life of “The New Babbage Unicorn” makes a wonderful Collection of  adventures in Golden Story Books :) xox

  4. Glaubrius Valeska Glaubrius Valeska February 1, 2012

    Very nice, the recuring Unicorn and the recursive portrait at left. Put me in mind of the Mandelbrot Set! Throw in some complex numbers and hey! Presto!

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