Mauve Melée
This morning I found that my home had been subjected to, what I took to be, an act of wanton vandalism. The walls of my home were slick with purple paint.
I looked out through the (now purple tinted) windows, to find that something more foul by far was in play.
The remains of numerous mauve missiles, many still leaking their purple payload, were strewn about the street.
Taking my trusty toolbelt with me, I quickly set about defusing those that I found, but simply got myself covered in the confounded purple paint. I was going to need help with this, so I ran off into the city to seek my fellow engineers.
Note: The missiles are RFLSL vendors giving you a fetching set of purple splats as a tattoo and clothing layers for a minimum donation of just 100L$]
Plethora of Purple
As I ran around the city I found that, as I had feared, it was not a personal attack but a city wide assault. Purple patches were appearing all over the city and every now and then the distinctive “whistle…splat” of a plumetting, purple projectile, echoed eerily through the alley ways.
Fear has been struck into our hearts.
This is a crime worse than the threat of physical harm. The People of New Babbage are no strangers to danger, but bright colours! I am really not sure they are ready for this. Bring back the sooty browns and greys.
The Central Station in Babbage Square has been damaged but only lightly at this stage. Whoever is responsible for this we must take solace in the fact that their incompetence has meant that many of the devices have failed to explode and simply lay spraying a miasma of mauve into the air about them.
Suspicions aroused?
In separate and as yet unconfirmed reports, a new boat has appeared moored near Doctor Obolensky’s clock tower. Its exact purpose remains unknown and there is some confusion in the reports with one witness remarking that it has the name “Red” daubed on the side of a large tank, whilst another insists, it is named “Blue”. The mystery deepens but I’m sure we’ll figure it out.
(as reported in the Primgraph)
Good heavens! We need industrial solvents to fight this mauve menace!
Boy! Come here! Here’s a coin, and another for you if you can get this message to Mr. Steamweaver before this pneumatic cannister does!