As reported earlier today the patience of the citizens of New Babbage had been pushed beyond breaking point. This evening a purple posse descended upon the Port area
of New Babbage with only one thing in mind. To put a stop to the
perpetrator of this purple pigmented persecution. Gathering upon the
quayside armed with wrenches and all manner of bizarre and unlikely
weaponry the small but committed group stood facing the ship as it
relentlessly fired its missiles into the heart of our city.
mer, fae and beasts, one and all, of a single minded determination to
end this tyranny, waited until just before 3pm when they charged the
great iron ship and began the mission to destroy the vessel.
over an hour they assaulted the hull and armaments of the vessel but to
no avail, a steady stream of purple projectiles were still be shot deep
into the city. If there was anybody inside the ship they never made
their presence known. the valiant citizens’ army battled on and were soon joined by Commodore Dagger and her naval ironclads.
the ironclads pounding her hull and the boarding party, trying to
dismantle the vessel bolt by bolt, the paint ship showed no sign of
relenting. Until in one final consolidated assault a loud pop was heard
from within the confines of the ship and the great gun ceased to fire.
An almighty cheer echoed form the walls of the surrounding buildings of
the port. Mission accomplished the good people of Babbage had once again
shown the Doctor that his plans no matter how evil, would never crush
the vessel sits silently languishing in its own purple slick. The city
waits with bated breath to see how Dr Obolensky reacts. Already there are
rumours that the Doctor himself was in the ship, but the wiser heads
note that the doctor rarely does his own dirty work.
(( More images can be found on my flickr stream in a set dedicated to
this event
(( Tonight,
by virtue of the generous actions of the residents of New Babbage, Team
New Babbage passed the 2000 US dollar fund raising milestone, making
New Bababge the first steamlands team to become a platinum RFLSL team
for 2011. This weekend marks the hlaf way point of the campaign for
2011. I look forward to seeing what more can be achieved in the coming
weeks. ))
This was great fun, i enjoyed taking part! Well done to everyone who helped raise money!