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((Jimmy’s typist here, on a borrowed comp.  Bad ice storm, trees and power lines down everywhere, no estimated time of restoration of power as yet.

Please IM Myrtil Igaly and let her know.  We are scheduled to give a talk tomorrow, and I have no idea if I’ll have power by that time.


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  1. Myrtil Igaly Myrtil Igaly December 9, 2013

    Ok, got it. Thanks to those who warned me!

    Jimmy, don’t worry about the talk, I told Saffia you might not be able to make it, and if that’s the case I’ll handle it on my own, no problem!

    More importantly, stay safe.


  2. Jimmy Branagh Jimmy Branagh December 10, 2013

    Thanks all!  Back on for now but expecting another 6-8″ of snow.

  3. Myrtil Igaly Myrtil Igaly December 10, 2013

    Myrtil dances around and then casts a Tenk-like defying stare at the snowstorm.

    • Eloise Winchester Eloise Winchester December 10, 2013

      Don’t scare the clouds, Myrtil! They’ll shake o.O

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