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Parade Float anyone?

Miss Gabrielle Riel of New Toulouse has graciously invited the citizens of New Babbage to participate in this year’s Mardi Gras parade (See It sounds like a fabulous time, if you ask me!

I would therefore like to ask if anyone is interested in working on a Krewe (or team).  Tepic Harlequin has suggested that we do a few floats with different themes provided there is enough interest, ie an urchin team, a villian’s team, etc.  Of course anyone is welcome to go ahead and make their own team and float, I only wanted to find out if there are people interested but haven’t found a team. 

The parade takes place Feb 18th to the 21st, with notecards regarding Krewe information due the 14th and the float due the 16th (to allow time for Miss Riel to set up the automatic parade scripts) 

If anyone would like to join a team, please feel free to indicate your interest below or float ideas if you so desire or contact me by IM inworld.


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  1. Cyan Rayna Cyan Rayna January 31, 2012

    Oh that sounds fun. Dunno what we can do but would be interesting to see some ideas.

    • Nathaniel Lorefield Nathaniel Lorefield January 31, 2012

      I am interested in helping any way I can, but be aware that I am busy still getting back into the routine of school so my online prescense may be a bit spotty…

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