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(OOC) Rezday Party/Photo Exhibit Aftermath

I want to thank all of you who came to my rezday party–you made it a success beyond my wildest dreams!  Many thanks to Victor, Gabrielle, and Blackberry for their wonderful record spinning, and many, many thanks to Bianca for providing the venue, and providing some gosh-darn fun RPing in the process! *grin*

The photographs will remain on display for, I believe, at least the next few weeks, so if you couldn’t make it yesterday, do please stop by the White Rabbit to see them.  All are for sale (except for Castle Geyser with Moon–I promised that would be an exclusive for RFL).

I didn’t take many pictures of the party–I was too busy having fun!  But here’s what I did get:



Yep, Tubby was hanging around the buffet table for quite some time.



I said I’d dance with anyone and everyone, and I meant it! *grin*



Got my one rezday wish–dancing to Ravel’s ‘La Valse’ with Baron Klaus Wulfenbach. *swoon*


(Continuing in a comment, since I don’t know how many pictures one blog post can take…)

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  1. Bookworm Hienrichs Bookworm Hienrichs August 25, 2011



    Dancing away the night!



    See?  I *told* you I’d dance with anyone–even the ghost of an insane man who tried to kill me! *grin*



    The stalwarts at the end.  Though only Arnold and I made it the entire 7 hours–and he didn’t dance, like I did. *grin*

    • Mr. Arnold Mr. Arnold August 25, 2011

      Arnold:  I don’t think anyones surprised at this point that I do not dance at parties, although someone revealed last night that I have in fact danced at least once previously.

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