A dear friend of mine died earlier this month far away from Texas, San Antonio and the Alamo he loved and for which he was one of the foremost authorities. His Texan friends gathered at the Odd Fellows Cemetery to Eulogize, Toast, and witness a volley of flintlocks and muskets in his honor.
The reason this might relate, in some way, to New Babbage? Well, the grave beside which we remembered Kevin Young was that of Captain Samuel H. Walker, who developed that eponymous pistol with another Sam name of Colt. I believe there are fans of theirs hereabouts?
A secret that Kevin told me decades ago links Captain Walker with the Alamo defenders, and now it can be told. Texas built a Texas Rangers Museum in Waco, and is attempting to relocate the remains of all the Rangers there. Upon opening Walker’s grave, the backhoe started turning up ash, charcoal and bits of bone. Seems that one of the several funeral pyres ordered by Santa Anna for the Texans was in that location. Sam has to stay where he is. Texas law forbids the grave be disturbed.
While it is sad that he passed, it is good that he is home now and that you were able to go and remember him.
I’ve been to San Jacinto, but have not been to the Alamo. It is one of those places I want to see before I return to the red clay of North Carolina to lie amongst my ancestors. I heard those stories about the pyres, and I suppose that it is well enough that so many heroes of the Republic are there together.
Thank you Commodore.