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New Babbage RFL Personality Auction Results

The results of the first annual personality auction in support of Relay for Life.


Bookworm Hienrichs:  an exclusive picture, never to be offered to anyone else.
Sold to Momoe Anansi for L$1950.
Paid via New Babbage kiosk.

Garnet Psaltery: a picture, poem, or modelling for advertisement, or accompaning the winner to a dance or event, or acting in a play – own costume and props provided.
Sold to Eilidh McCullough for L$3000.
Split among all three kiosks.

AÅŸtridh of Ñ’ulya: an outfit to order.
Sold to Eilidh McCullough for L$3500.
Paid via New Babbage kiosk.

Avariel Falcon: use of her sim for an event.
Sold to Garnet Psaltery for L$3010.
Paid via Dark Unicorns kiosk.

Lady Judy of Olyesti:   500prim “skybox” plot in a Dr. Who sim, land rent free for a month, plus a console provided by Vic Mornington.
Sold to Beryl Strifeclaw for L$2500.
Paid via Dr. Who kiosk.

August Dominicus: A custom script, scripting lesson, a copy of the new Folklorica Steampunk/Asian building, live scoring updates of the World Cup and dance lessons
Sold to Garnet Psaltery for L$2000.
Paid via New Babbage kiosk.

Emerson Lighthouse: a part in one of his future stories.
Sold to Bookworm Hienrichs for L$10000, to include herself and the other bidders [very generous offer!]
Paid via New Babbage kiosk.


Vic Mornington:  various non-adult possibilities [ :o) ]

Sold to Garnet Psaltery for L$11500.
Split among all three kiosks.

Galactic Baroque: materials preparation of a given texture

Sold to Lady Judy for L$2955.
Paid via New Babbage kiosk.

Totals at the end of the event:-

New Babbage: 277,877…. Dark Unicorns: 61,385….Dr Who: 63,875 \o/

Many thanks to Avariel Falcon for preparing her sim and making it available, and for organising the band.  Thanks also to The Invisible Band for the great live spot.  Big thanks to Vic for the DJing and the auctioneering, and wrangling the running of the event at the last minute.  Thank you all the bidders and observers for your
support.  It was a fun event and definitely to be repeated next year!


Garnet Psaltery

New Babbage RFL


Avariel Falcon

Dark Unicorns of Lovelace


Vic Mornington

Dr. Who Fans of SL

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