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New Babbage Orphanage Opens


The New Babbage Orphanage has now opened its doors, for charitable works in New Babbage. You are very welcome to visit during “Open Week” (all this week) and look around its facilities. Please take a carriage and visit. The front facade may look bleak but the inside is welcoming. (Open the front door and sit on the “Up” arrow to enter.)


The governors are currently making plans to appoint staff. If you are aware of any homeless urchins, boy or girl, please direct them towards this new build in the city.


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  1. River Falcon River Falcon October 25, 2015

    The board of governors of New Babbage Orphanage are looking to appoint staff for the newly opened orphanage in the city. Applicants are welcomed from both male and female adults and any interested party is welcome to visit (prior to the submission of their application) to the location below.

    Successful applications might want to consider performing some (or none) of the following duties, at any time of their own choosing:

    • Reading short bedtime stories to the orphans.
    • Accompanying the orphans to local places of interest, as
      part of their recreational activities.
    • Informing orphans of city-based activities of interest.
    • Being available on site, for counselling and guidance. 
    • Conducting short teaching sessions, to promote the
      educational development of the youngsters.
    • Representing the orphanage and promoting its activities. 
    • Dealing with minor administrative chores, in the running of
      the orphanage.

    Sadly, due to the charitable status of this venture, these roles are of a voluntary nature. Even still, responsible New Babbage residents might want to assist, for compassionate reasons.

    In addition to this, if you know of any waif or stray (wandering lost on the streets of New Babbage) please feel free to direct them to the orphanage.

    Thank you,

    Mr. R. Falcon (Chairman of the Board Governors)


  2. Professor Woodsheart Professor Woodsheart October 25, 2015

    Dear Mr. Falcon,

    I would be most interested in becoming involved in the workings of the New Babbage Orphanage, time zones accepting. I am a man of letters, have travelled extensively, and am fully committed to the nurturing of young minds.


    I remain sir

    Prof StJohn Woodsheart 

  3. River Falcon River Falcon October 25, 2015

    Thank you for your interest in this position. I am very pleased to inform you that the board of governors have carefully considered your application and added you to the team. I will contact inworld to clarify any issues. Thank you.

    (For general information: this position will remain open for further applicants.)

  4. Garnet Psaltery Garnet Psaltery October 25, 2015

    This is a very worthy endeavour, and I am especially pleased to see evidence of educational aspiration.  Though I am not in a position to offer much assistance at present, I shall render what efforts and resources I may as the need arises. 

  5. River Falcon River Falcon October 25, 2015

    Thank you Miss Garnet. The board of governors have asked me to convey their profound gratitude.

  6. violet Solano violet Solano October 25, 2015

    well as i am far to busy to work in such a place without any possibility of profit, i will offer to you such commodities as you might need, such as tea, or opiates , we must keep the children calm and sedate, furthermore i shall instruct my personal physician Qismah to come around weekly, to treat the little ragamuffins as needed, please send me a list of items needed that i might see what is available, for a reasonable price.               sincerely         V solano

  7. River Falcon River Falcon October 25, 2015

    At the moment, Miss Violet, we are still hunting the streets for urchins. I fear that, when they arrive, it may be the staff who will need the sedatives.

  8. Becky Blackcinder Becky Blackcinder October 30, 2015

    Oo! Oo! I want my own room!

  9. River Falcon River Falcon October 30, 2015

    Becky: We are rather limited on prims and so the orphanage is one large dormatory: tinies at the end, boys on the right and girls on the left. If you want to join in the activities, look for the group “New Babbage Orphanage” in Second Life for updates on random events that are organised. If you want to “claim” a bed, send a selection of modifiable photographs to me in world (pictures of you and your friends) and I shall edit the four picture frames within the bed headboard so that it feels a little more personal for you. Alternatively, if you just want a place where you can camp your avatar while you are away, a landmark to log safely in and out of Second Life or somewhere to do your own steampunk role play, feel free to use the orphanage location for your own New Babbage role play.

    (For general information: more staff and new orphanges are very welcome to join the New Babbage Orphans group in Second Life, for future updates and news.)

  10. Nyanka Jinx Nyanka Jinx October 30, 2015

    While I am already employed at the hospital, I do happen to live near the orphanage. I am willing to voulenteer my time to give the children regular check ups if you are unable to hire a doctor, and I will be able to treat any sick or injured children at the hospital if needed.

    It’s wonderful to see that the orphaned children finally have a safe haven besides what grimy places they find on the streets. Even more so since winter is coming up.

    – Dr. Henry Jekyll

  11. River Falcon River Falcon October 30, 2015

    Thank you Dr. Jekyll. I’ll pass the word onto the orphans the next time I log into Second Life.

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