Bookworm Hienrichs enters the Militia headquarters, panting a little from her brisk walk from the hospital, where she’d seen Blackberry Harvey being worked on by Dr. Sonnerstein and Mr. Arnold. She pulled a piece of paper to her, quickly scrawled a note, and posted it where everyone would see it.
Be on the lookout for one Mr. Henri Metier, a newcomer to New Babbage. Description of the subject is sketchy, but he was last seen wearing a black Musketeer-style uniform. Subject should be detained for questioning in the matter of the assault on Mr. Blackberry Harvey.
With a sigh, Bookworm exited the headquarters, beginning her own search.
ASSAULT! The fiend! And on a personal friend of mine! This is simply too much…
Perhaps it is time for me to approach Jed and Mr. Tenk about enlisting in the Militia once again. I would not expect to receive a captain’s commission again, but I wonder if Jed could use a lieutenant?
He hurtz da bunny?
*cranks up tummy engine*
I iz NO happy…
*picks up plate of cookies and thus fueled, begins her patrol*