I, Stargirl Macbain, your local opium-addled tea shop runner, hereby open a contest of wits.
A flashfiction contest on the theme “A Day In The Life” Write a moment, a story, a character, WHATEVER about a day in the life of a New Babbage resident.
This contest is open to all and any who can read this post (or see the post on the facebook).
Rules are as follows: MUST NOT EXCEEDE 750 words. The shorter the better!
Must be your own original work (no, really).
Must fit the theme. A day in the life of an airship pirate over the Panama Canal is FASCINATING, but I want stories of life IN New Babbage. All others will be put aside.
Submit your contest entries via notecard by dropping them to Stargirl Macbain (zats me!) Please make title of Notecard as follows: Flash Fiction – YourAvatarName
You can also email them to me at stargirlmacbain(at)gmail(dot)com
Entries accepted until midnight SLT June 30, 2015.
Prizes will be announced as I think them up (If you have a special prize you’d like to offer, do let me know).
Not only does this need a bit of a bump but I think I have a game for inspiring people with Writer’s Block.
This was my final project in one of my classes last semester so hopefully it will be helpful to you all. :3
(Doesn’t work with Chrome sadly as they took the ability to play these file types out of the browser. It does work with every other browser though)
As Managing Partner of Penny Gaff Publishing, I am prepared to offer the following prizes –if you are interested:
1) Publication as a bonus story in the next edition of the Clockhaven Chronicles.
2) An illustration depicting a scene from the selected story, done by PGP’s illustrator, Ashley Walters.
3) I will read/record a selected story for the author’s amusement.
This is a wonderfully kind offer! I shall be in contact with you :)
Fantastic offer, sir! Ashley Walters is an AMAZING illustrator. And you do have a voice that makes silk jealous, I know. Hopefully this will be incentive for some last minute entries. There’s still a few days to go!
By order of Emperor Crumb, who wishes to honor the Americans and their holiday weekend… deadline extended to Sunday night!
If all of the entries are collected into one SL book, Babbagers can read and enjoy the stories. I’d be happy to place such a book at the Burton library for everyone to take their own copy.