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New Babbage Covenant

New Babbage is a sooty northern industrial City-Nation of the
steampunk imagination, loosely based on the era of 1830 to 1890.
Tourists are a common sight and are welcomed. The City has a rich
history dating back to an earlier clockwork technological period,
hinted at but largely unexplored. What will you uncover?

The City is home to an active roleplay community. RP is 100% optional
here, but it is not 100% ignorable by the people who have made this
city their home. The stories that are told in our streets have an
inevitable impact on the character of the city, which is first and
foremost a steampunk city. Characters based in magic and fantasy are
strongly advised to consult with the mayor before settling in.

We got rules, read them:

NO PUBLIC NUDITY. What you do inside your own building on your own
parcel is your own affair, however, I don’t want to hear it when I’m
walking by. Fetish clothing that exposes the naughty bits is
considered nudity.

VEHICLES will be in kept in theme of the archaic and fantastic. Derezz
your vehicles (and horses) when you are finished with them.

LAND RENTAL. Before you settle here, be aware that New Babbage
enforces theme. ALL builds are subject to inspection and approval by
sim admin. To purchase rental rights from the city, there is an
initial purchase price and then a weekly Tier. To purchase rental
rights from a resident, seller must notecard the sim owner to transfer
the land and tier meter. 5 days grace is given before land is
reclaimed by the State. Grace is not extended to boat slips, row
houses, or other non-landed rentals from Mosseveno Tenk, and will be
cleared upon red meter.

Your purchase gives you the following rights: Setting parcel music,
setting a ban list for the parcel, advertising in classified ads,
setting a home point, hosting events, the ability to sell the rental
rights to your parcel, and other rights as assigned by the sim owner.

Use of ban lines, security orbs, or similar devices is forbidden.

Theme compliance is non-negotiable. New Babbage has a harsh building
code and it works.

Architecture and texturing: Exterior textures should reflect a
northern industrial look and feel with a nod to mad science. Use
textures that could conceivably have been used in the late 1800s. Use
of “full bright” textures on exteriors is expressly forbidden except
where justified by technology. Winter brings deep snow, seasonal
adaptation by residents is expected. Architectural styles that do not
work in cold climates probably do not work here either.

Construction phase: Naked or “plywood” prims will not be left out for
more than 12 hours. Where builds must be left in progress,
construction litter and scaffolding is strongly encouraged.

Greenspace: Refrain from excessive outdoor greenery within the city proper.

Skybuilds: Airships, flying platforms, and other vehicles used as part
of permanently displayed builds will not use modern-day technology.
Builds must be plausible within the realm of fantastic engineering,
not whimsy. Keep your flying rocks and castles above 1000m.

ALTITUDE RESTRICTIONS. Builds from 0m to1000 meters must be within
theme. 1000m to 1500m are out of theme and not policed. No builds are
permitted above 1500m, to provide free skies for aeronauts. Floating
rocks and sky castles are best kept above 1000m.

Sea builds: Underwater builds must have reasonably credible and
visible technology. If it does not float, it must have foundations
reaching the sea floor.

Vendors and other miscellany: Make reasonable attempts to prevent
hovertext from being visible through an exterior wall. Outdoor vendors
may be used by written permission of the sim owner only. Common sense
exceptions are made for special events such as dances and regattas.

Signage and Handbills: Modern-day and Mainland style signage will be
removed on sight. Make a good attempt to use historic fonts and color
schemes that fit with the theme of the city. Handbills may be posted
around town to advertise events, provided they are well made in an
appropriately vintage style. Handbills are policed by sim admin and
may be removed on sight.

Further information may be had from the Builder’s Permit information
card, available at the information kiosks in Palisade train station,
Canals train station, Port, Clockhaven, and City Hall.

The sim owner, Mosseveno Tenk, reserves the right to make executive
decisions on any topic in order to preserve the integrity of the theme
of New Babbage.

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