This is a listing of actual shops where items are traded for Lindens. Do keep in mind that there are other stores in town that exist purely for the pleasure of visitors and residents.
Merchants: The Merchant Directory is a dynamic page that will automatically update based on markers placed in-world at merchants’ shops. To be included in the list, your business will need to have a placeholder physically present on your land.
Merchants who sell product for lindens and wish to be included in this directory can pick up a waymarker at the Palisade Train Station or City Hall. This one-prim marker needs to be set on your property (it can be hidden if you wish). Instructions for supplying your business name and description are provided in a notecard. Contact Aeolus Cleanslate if you need technical assistance.
$docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];include($docroot."/htdocs/merchant_directory.php"); ?>
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