Blimey! Â When I woke this mornin’, I found a note by me ‘ead. Â Canna read tho… but I ran inta missus Macbain fresh on ‘er fresh metal leg, an’ she read it ta me. Â ‘Ere’s wot it said:
‘bonny brave gilhooly’
amid the smoky haze of blue
a gentle soul of babbage grew
he is kind and bold and brave and true
dear bonny, brave gilhooly
i fear no flames nor sorcery
for i know that he shall stand with me
with his tail a-twitch, nose whiskery
dear bonny, brave gilhooly
we chase and chortle through the streets
his hand in mine, our hearts a-beat
you’ll never find a friend so sweet
as bonny, brave gilhooly
a-lazing by the quay we’ll be
his profile noble ‘gainst the sea
perhaps a captain he shall be
my bonny, brave gilhooly
o soldiers, sailors, sweepers too
if you want a lass to care for you
be kind and bold and brave and true
like bonny, brave gilhooly
by lo pixie
to her dearest friend
Cor, I got some soot in me eye now…
happy rezday, gilhooly :)
Happy rezday!
Rezday? Gilly?! Happy rezday to one of my favoritest urchins!
i’ll miss you gilly
i am writing to you while i sit on the quay in port babbage, watching the smoke pluming from the ships on the sea and in the sky, rememb’ring how i said you shall be a captain one day, and wishing i could see your whiskers
i shall see you on the distant shore
all my love forever,
Where’s that consarned “like” and “heart out to you” button?