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listening to Victor’s premeire on Radio Riel

how red can we make him turn?

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  1. Yang Moreau Yang Moreau November 15, 2010

    ::whines:: Tortuuuure!! The things I’m missing during my forced hiaitus!

  2. Mr Tenk Mr Tenk November 15, 2010

    You will be able to listen later if you missed it. Search the iTunes Store podcast section for ‘The Radio Riel Players Present’ and subscribe, it’s free. When this episode gets uploaded, you will automatically receive it.There was also a listening party in Caledon i was in contact with over chat, they said they all have a serious fear of flying now.

    Right. Now who will be the next to read?

    • Yang Moreau Yang Moreau November 15, 2010

      Aaah! Wonderful! Thank you so much! At least I can catch something.

  3. Glaubrius Valeska Glaubrius Valeska November 15, 2010

    I have an excellent silent movie voice.

    And a wonderful radio face.

  4. Victor1st Mornington Victor1st Mornington November 15, 2010

    It was a great evening all!  Thanks to Mr Tenk for the post production sound effects on the recording and to Mr Harvey for being a great host.

    I honestly forgot all about this project…should have relaised when Tenk kept saying I should be there at 6pm sharp O.O

  5. Karisa Fenstalker Karisa Fenstalker November 17, 2010

    Oohhh…I see Strider sitting up in the gallery being her gloomy self. 

  6. Ariana Farstrider Ariana Farstrider November 17, 2010

    Hey at least I showed up right? I even enjoyed some of the festivities after. Great reading Victor.

  7. Caspian Moonstone Caspian Moonstone November 17, 2010

    Look it’s MEEEE!!!!!

    Also I have it in mp3 format, IPod here i come!

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