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Since being thrown out onto the streets the subject of food has become one of urgencey, and if these boxes are what i think they are, YUM!

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  1. Delta Sweetwater Delta Sweetwater November 24, 2012

    Well, I think you will get stung alot, not to mention that in winter there wont be any honey in there as the bees hybranate.

  2. Holmes - Elina Koskinen Holmes - Elina Koskinen November 24, 2012

    The hives have been up since last May  – the bees are unfortunately sleeping at the moment.

  3. Avariel Falcon Avariel Falcon November 24, 2012

    There will be some honey, but the bees need that to overwinter.

    Dead bees would be bad in the long term. *nods*

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