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Having arrived after months away

I arrived in Babbage day before yesterday after many months of traveling with my employer Mr. John Smythe.

I had once resided in Babbage for many months at Mr. Mornington’s Brunel Hall.  I had come to think of Babbage as home and knew that one day I would return.

I was shocked at what I discovered upon my arrival.  I have taken several pictures of my terrifying encounters over the past couple of days.  I will write again later with more details complete with pictures.

I am considering purchasing land in Babbage if there is any avialable.  I stopped by Brunel Hall yesterday to discover it was all full up.

I went by a hotel I have not seen before, also owned by Mr. Mornington, however upon glancing the list of residents, I noticed one name that chilled me to the core.  Mr. James Moriorty.

Today I plan on commencing my search for a temporary home until I can speak with Mr. Tenk about buying land.


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  1. Ceejay Writer Ceejay Writer December 7, 2011

    Welcome back!  If you are still looking for temporary housing, there’s loft space in Her Dark Materials in Palisade.  I’m on the north side of the building now, but it’s fairly lonely in there! :)

  2. Ceejay Writer Ceejay Writer December 7, 2011

    Ah, I love my little loft. I lived in this building in 2007, and it feels very good to be back!  Besides, starving absinthe-soaked writers should be in drafty lofts. It’s our natural habitat!

  3. Junie Ginsburg Junie Ginsburg December 7, 2011


    I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting, but welcome back nonetheless!

    If you are looking for living space in Academy of Industry, I would consider renting out the top floors of my workshop.  It’s situated right on Academy Square, close to the Brunel.

    You’ll just have to ignore any flying cows.

  4. June Forsythe June Forsythe December 7, 2011

    Thank you ver much for your suggestions!  When I have leisurly time this evening I will check into each.  Thank you for making me feel welcome.   I look forward to getting to know you all. – June

  5. Jimmy Branagh Jimmy Branagh December 7, 2011

    Jimmy Branagh waves and smiles.

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