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Foot Tappin Friday early party cancelled

Well i tried.  Theres been a few folks making comments that parties in Babbage start too early for the folks in the UK and EU.

So i start one and ran it for two weeks…hardly anyone showed up :(

I’m gonna stick with prime time 6pm SLT parties for now, maybe do another test party deeper into winter when theres more folks in the UK and EU online at night but for now its just not viable.

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  1. Sky Melnik Sky Melnik August 19, 2011


    Hopefully the Air Kraken Festival radio listening party in the coming week scheduled for the UK crowd will attract a few. *crosses fingers hopefully*

  2. Tepic Harlequin Tepic Harlequin August 22, 2011

    Thank you Mr Mornington, really enjoyed the first party, sadly was not around for the second. Do appreciate you trying :-)

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