Date(s) - Mar 02, 2024
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Every 1st Saturday of the month the Piermont Landing presents The Time Travelers Tea Dance from 1-3PM. Please join us as we dance on the Airship Landing at the Southwest Corner of New Babbage in Wheatstone Waterways . We shall dance our cares away listening to a wide variety of classical and symphonic music from ancient sounds to contemporary compositions. Mr Aberdon Enigma and Miss Fauve Aeon welcome you along with Musical Maestra Nellie Wilde to come and pass a pleasant time with us each month at the Piermont Landing and Champagne Lounge.
Dress Code: Formal attire from any Era. Dress Military and National Costume are welcome and encouraged as are the more formal fashion substyles. Bits, breasts and bums should be out of view per the Estate covenant for public areas. Please remember to detach unnecessary scripted items.
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