Date(s) - Jul 18, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Cyrus LongBones and the Curse of the Sea Zombie: (Book 1) by Jeremy Mathiesen
July 18 at 1pm slt
R.F.Burton Library
He longs to escape his home and see the world. What lies beyond the forbidden wall?
Cyrus is teased and hated. The villagers are cruel. If he is going to find peace and happiness, he’ll need to do the unthinkable. Is the land past the wall truly haunted?
They’re called Sea Zombies…with powers nobody understands.
More threats await.
He will need a friend to survive, but that may not be enough. When he finally learns what is truly going on, it may be too late. Will Cyrus risk all to save his village or abandon all hope to save himself? (Amazon summary)
Free on Kindle
All welcome. Join us for a lively hour of talk.
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