I’ve returned to New Babbage and was getting things ready for the Burning Barrel Race. I decided it was about time i cleared up the mess left behind from the tragic explosion that destroyed my old Factory shop and took the life of poor Triky Jinx last year.
Only as i was clearing up some of the displaced cobbles i noticed some sort of pottery in the dirt. So being that archeology is not my area of expertise i called in a Mr Bernard Blindside to excavate the site.
Turns out it was not pottery i found but a small piece of a bigger artefact. I’m hoping it might be worth a lot of money, if not i shall donate it to the New Babbage Museum. It is a curious find all the same.
When is a pot not a pot? When it’s an urn! heheheh Still, if there’s stuff as might be valuable hidden under stuff, maybe i should start digging?
/Tepic digs out his spade from behind his crate, and start looking for somewhere to dig….
Just don’t dig in the graveyard, sometimes things dig out
Me an’ Myrtil an’ Caspian an’ Mr. Scottie an’ Miss Sky wos there earlier. Ifn ya get close enough to th’ wot-ever-it-is ya can ‘ear a ‘eartbeat. At first Oy thought it wos me own, but it’s not.
sniff sniff @ poor Triky Jinx .. sigh.. heart beat ???? go on Child !!!
Kin we see a likeness of this artifact?
I posted pics of it on my blog, but you should go see (and listen) by yourself!! It is right behind the Old Imperial Theatre and Opium Den in Babbage Square.
Natacha reads the short note about the discovery of the strange artifact in the Newspapers. She reads is again. And again.
Next day she packs her suticase and boards on the first ship to Babbage.
I was able to peruse the discovery aforementioned very late on the 31st instant, and a more macabre midnight I could not have spent. Someone has proped up your artifact, young man, and the heartbeat, if indeed that is what it is, is quite pronounced in proximity. I fear I see a ghastly resembelence to a human figure, head arched back and screaming. But perhaps it was only tricks of the light and shadow on All Hallow’s Eve.