We’re not sure how one of Tenk’s coo’s ate a certain bartenders cavorite, but it was seen floating in the Brunel chasing Emerson while Kaylee tried to stare it down…apparently.
Coo’s in the Cavorite
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Finally, a rational explanation for Hey Diddle Diddle!
Please be careful where you stand: you might get a pat on the head.
Dried cow poop is great for relighting your stove on cold marnins when the bugger’s gone out on you. Just throw a handful of dried dung in on top of the embers and she’ll light back up. I always keep a bucket of turd right handy just in case.
interesting easily shipped beef, just tie ropes to the1r necks and move them around like balloons, in fact a whole heard could be tied to an airship gondola for controled mass shipping
there’s an image i won’t shake for a while
Assuming a 1500 lb airborne creature can be ‘steered.’ Oh no; I hope I haven’t let a herd of bovine puns off the yoke…
What makes you think someone will horn in on this and milk it for all it’s worth?
Maybe we should have a moderator on hand to keep things mooving ;-)