Beryl looked out over the frozen lake, the party for the end of the year about to begin. She was looking forward to the celebration…

Posts published by “Beryl Strifeclaw”
The fireworks after the race were keeping everyone distracted, and those with especially sensitive ears would not be able to overhear them over it. Not…
“Hello, Strifeclaw,” Lisa said as her friend entered the lobby of the hospital. The young woman seemed to have recovered enough for desk duty. Her…
A madman being subdued was usually met with appreciation or congratulations. Beryl expected none and went about life as usual. Cyan had failed to see…
Previously Abney Parkway was busy with trick or treaters visiting the Wax Museum, which Beryl gave a wide berth as she passed. The decorations were…
Previously Next Helping Bookworm and the others had been relatively simple, and Beryl had moved beyond worrying about it. What happened at the asylum stayed…
Previously Next The Blackberry Memorial had undergone several changes in her absence. The money donated by Candance’s family was being put to good use she…
A thick fog obscured the city of New Babbage from several nautical miles beyond the Vernian reefs. The moment they passed into the thick haze…
Khopesh held the small block that was apparently the official letterhead of the city Emerson had just given him. The room stared at Emerson, who…
Only a few pirates filled the Gangplank that evening, but the citizens of Babbage had come in masses to watch the proceedings. Emerson Lighthouse came…