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April 27 – Still Smelling Smoke

I’ve been very neglectful of this journal lately, I’m afraid.  Either there’s nothing to write about, or there’s so much to write about that I don’t have time to write!  Case in point: the past couple of months.

After my conversation with Miss Hermit and the ghost of Hiro (I’ve not heard anything more from her about this situation–perhaps we needn’t worry after all?), we had the festivities of the Oiling Festival.  Thankfully, this year it went off without a major hitch–most of the building contests, and the Ball, were very well attended, and nothing, and no one, threatened any of the proceedings.

Once my photography work with that was done, it was time for me to prepare for April’s Aether Salon, at which I presented on the topic of Science.  Staying up late to fulfill my duties at the Grimm Ball may not have been the wisest thing to do, but I got enough sleep to at least be coherent, and I don’t think I bored anyone too much.  All in all, it was very enjoyable!

I had just enough time to process my photographs from the Ball before I left to visit my parents for Easter.  Those days of rest with them were very enjoyable–and needed.  I’d hardly arrived back in New Babbage when I got word that the AP&E building was on fire!

Miss Jedburgh and I were the only members of the Ladies Fire Brigade to make it to the scene, but somehow we managed to put out the flames–thankfully, the fire didn’t spread to any of the surrounding buildings.  And Miss Jed was able to shut down the generating coils.  Both she and Mrs. Underby, who had raised the alarm, expressed concern about how much those coils had been overloading.

Once we were sure the flames were out, we and a few of the bystanders retired to the Gangplank, where we soothed our throats with the libations of our choice.  (Tea for me, of course.)




I didn’t stay long, though, as I knew I had a long trek across the city back home.  Mrs. Pritchard was so kind to take care of me, drawing a bath and taking charge of my smoky clothing.

Still, I think I’d best wash my hair again.  I swear I can still smell smoke in it.

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