And what about a Vichy? Do you sigh and resign yourself to the rather Germanic flavor?
((also if I may, Miss Kimika, I might use this idea for my new establishment))
Jedburgh30 Dagger
August 8, 2011
a Vichy is a sparkling mineral water, not a drink for surrendering and collaborating.
Jedburgh30 Dagger
August 8, 2011
As much as it pains me to give a smartass answer, it’s lemonade with egg in it.
Egg Lemonade
1 egg
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup cold water
Beat the egg thoroughly, add the sugar and lemon juice; pour in
gradually the water, stirring until smooth and well mixed. Strain and
serve. Two tablespoons of sherry or port may be added if desired.
Cardinal Cherry Phosphate?!? Sounds dangerous.
And what on earth is egg lemonade?
And what about a Vichy? Do you sigh and resign yourself to the rather Germanic flavor?
((also if I may, Miss Kimika, I might use this idea for my new establishment))
a Vichy is a sparkling mineral water, not a drink for surrendering and collaborating.
As much as it pains me to give a smartass answer, it’s lemonade with egg in it.
Egg Lemonade
Beat the egg thoroughly, add the sugar and lemon juice; pour in
gradually the water, stirring until smooth and well mixed. Strain and
serve. Two tablespoons of sherry or port may be added if desired.
The Suffrage Cook Book (1915).
I’m guessing lemonade isn’t automatically fizzy in the US? Still, raw egg and lemon.
*makes a squinty face*
‘normal’ lemonade is not carbonated. I have to agree about the egg tho…
It was a simpler time. Flavor had yet to be invented.
Love the expression at the end :-)
The gracious hostess: “May I tempt you with a refreshing glass of salmonella?”
Well, hm. This sounds vile!
What would the NB version be? Pigeon egg lemonade?
Kraken egg lemonade? ((Because they *would* hatch from eggs…right?))
Too bad this menu wasn’t around during the drink contest in June!
Kraken do have eggs, they’re just very…odd looking.