Just a little personal history I wanted to share……
I was finally unpacking the last trunk that I brought with me to Babbage when I found this old photo of my grandparents, Celestine and Tachirou Ying. I wondered where I had put it and I’m relieved that it did not get lost in the move.
Grandfather is such a card, and apparently he always has been. Fortunately grandmother has an equally eccentric sense of humor.
You have his eyes…
laughs, “He has such large, dark eyes. Yes.” :P
I was going to go with his ruggish good looks, but eyes will work too.
Ruggish! Is that a man who is roguish and rugged?
Fascinating, Kimika! No wonder your…adventurous spirit runs so deep!
Your personal history inspired me to do some digging within my own trunk where I unearthed this photograph…
Great Uncle Edmund Netizen was quite the practical jokester. His wife and sisters were ever unable to make the man act seriously. I always thought him to have a brilliant sense of humor. He evidently had an affinity to the finer art of tree climbing as well, which may explain my attraction to the green leafy things.
*chuckles* I remember how I came into possession of this photograph. My father was never very fond of it since it showed him in what was his most hated childhood attire (he’s the one to the right of Grandfather Rufus Netizen, the sitting gent). Can’t say I blame him.
Thank you for sharing that, Sky! I suspect my grandfather and your great uncle would have gotten along famously. Your father’s outfit is just precious. I can understand why he hated it. *grins*
Uncle Edmund probably coined the phrase “I may be going out on a limb here, but….”
My own Great Uncle “Spike” was an inventor, and a very logical guy. He was once involved in an accident with a rice picking machine, but it didn’t dampen his passion for machinery! He lived a long life – and prospered.
. . Fascinating.
Two more early pictures of Grandfather Ying:
Taking the plunge!
The underwater Euphonium experiments.
He said that the low frequency sounds tended to attract sharks, so he didn’t pursue development of this invention.
Another old family photo: Grandfather Tachirou Ying’s winter motorcycle. It looks like it would be fun, but cold!
Hey Miss Ying! That’s a lot like my family pictures!
Sadly my Grandfather is somewhat less charismatic…