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A Night in the Gut

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  1. Emerson Lighthouse Emerson Lighthouse February 1, 2012

    Just what line of work are you into mister?

    ((welcome to town sir))

  2. Tommey Lastchance Tommey Lastchance February 1, 2012

    I do what I gotta do to make ends meet, see?

  3. Sky Melnik Sky Melnik February 2, 2012

    *makes note of Mr. Lastchance’s mode of transportation*

    • Emerson Lighthouse Emerson Lighthouse February 2, 2012

      *nods at Sky…*

      Isn’t that interesting?

  4. Mr Underby Mr Underby February 2, 2012

    Now what is that gent staring at so intently, hmm?

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