An invitation from the Lady of Skye, Eva Bellambi…
Spring is here! For many of us, this means a relief from the cold,
dark days and snows of winter. As the days lengthen and get warmer, we
are greeted by the rebirth of the earth itself: bulbs come up and bloom,
filling the air with their heady, tempting fragrance; birds chirp and
sing as they return from their winter migrations to build their nests;
cats yowl out their urgent readiness for motherhood. All around us are
symbols of fertility, growth, warmth and light.
This year we celebrate as the creatures on the other side of the veil.
The goddess. The green man. The faerie. The spirits. Other fantastical
beings. However, do feel free to come in your human form, The Fae Queen
of Skye will pull you to the other side, if but for a while.
Please join us in Winterfell Anodyne ( on April 30th for the Beltane Festival beginning at 6:00pm SLT.
As is my tradition, the event will include:
- Gathering 6:00pm – 6:10pm SLT
- Recognition of the Knights of the Order of the Red Rose (knighted Beltane, 2007) and the Bellambi Clan
- Lighting of the Beltane Fires
- Music
- Maypoles
- Gifts of light to take back to your own dark hearths
- Dancing
- Places to be alone with your Green Man or May Queen to celebrate the fertility and the renewal of life.
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